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Spring Clean! Top tips to refresh your corporate and personal brand before the end of the year.

Spring has in fact sprung, and the best time for new beginnings and growth is now. It has come to that time of year to bring life back into your brand – to refresh your corporate and personal brand, and to make sure that your business is in a position for growth.  

A brand refresh is one of the easiest, most impactful ways you can reinvigorate your brand. By reimagining your brand’s look and feel you can add new relevance in the eyes of your customers and employees, resulting in powerful and long-lasting impact. After all, spring is all about fresh starts! 

Here are a few handy tips to help you spring clean your business before the end of the year. 

1. Refocus your Strategy 

Even if you’ve been in business for years, it is always key to stay in touch with your overall business plan. This involves in re-evaluating your missions and redefine your steps to achieving it. You can do this by writing down the problems your business solves for clients.  

As the new year approaches, take a step back from your day-to-day duties, and look at the overall course of your business, such as – your identity as a business, your target market, and the services you’re offering. Additionally, undertaking feedback from your customers on what more they’d like to expect in the new year and what more could be done could help your company grow. This could help you realign your business focus in the new year. 

2. Spruce up your social media profiles 

Social Media acts like as an extension of your brand that customers can interact with. Therefore, by setting aside time to review and clean up your Company’s social media profiles, you can always ensure that your brand remains consistent and professional across all platforms.  

Spend some time to map out your social media profiles – set up a content calendar and a social media strategy to help keep audiences engaged. During your spring cleaning, review your social media profiles to ensure that your branding is aligned and consistent – your profile photos, bios and descriptions are the same on all accounts. Before the end of the year, make sure to add new projects, publications and other relevant achievements to your social media accounts that have been achieved in the last year. 

3. Launch extension initiatives 

Refresh your brand by introducing a new image – without having to fully rebrand. You can do this by focusing on a particular niche, segment or vertical that can show a new side of the brand without reworking the core brand image. By doing so, it could reach more people – customer bases that you haven’t tapped into which could prove profitable to your business. To do this, take some time to brainstorm new products or services you could offer to reach a far broader realm of people. Again, consistency between messages and alignment with your brand’s identity is key to success, but a little refresh can be hugely impactful. 

With the season of fresh starts here at our doorsteps, there is no better time to give your corporate and personal brand that well-deserved spring clean. By reviving and energising your brand you can put your business in a position for growth and success. Importantly, being consistent with your brand identity but introducing new initiatives and actions can be all that is needed to reinvigorate your business in time for the end of year.  Redesigning your physical workplace, sprucing up your social media profiles and launching extension initiatives are three methods to help to kick off your spring-clean and refresh your brand to create powerful and long-lasting impact. Happy Spring-Cleaning! 

To read more about how Taurus helps clients achieve success through our integrated marketing and PR services, click here. 

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