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PR Talent Drain Image 002

PR Talent Drain

Like a lot of CEOs, I have been overwhelmed with emails from people in our industry who have been left out of work and seeking a new job due to the impact of COVID-19. 

Unfortunately, these are the shock waves from the pandemic with the marketing and PR industry facing a real crisis of losing all this amazing talent unless we do everything possible to provide supportlike leads to job openings, helping with updating our colleagues CV and mentoring or maybe just simply showinyour concern. 

Remember, in these times we could find ourselves in their shoes at a moment’s notice. All of us fortunate enough to have a relatively healthy client list know that they too are facing tough times and I don’t know of any PR/Marketing business that hasn’t felt some pain of losing clients over the past couple of months. 

Stemming the talent drain from the industry needs to be a high priority. All of us CEOs have a responsibility to do everything we can to keep our teams together during these difficult times. At Taurus, the team has responded admirably and is working harder in a virtual world that throws up so many new challenges to help clients with their different communication needs. 

At the same time, we need to remember the bigger picture and realise while we need to personally stay healthy so too does our industry. 

Good Luck to everyone.  

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