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Don’t be afraid to say the five letter word (pivot)

We are entering a vastly different world once we come out the other side of the Coronavirus tunnel. 

So ask yourself, which of the following two scenarios best describes your situation: 

  1. My business is in high demand 
  1. My brand needs to pivot 

If you selected no 1, it’s worth remembering the words of successful businessman Warren Buffett “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.’’ 

So while everything seems to be swimming along on a high, the volatility caused by COVID-19 makes it all the more important to review your marketing strategy to stay ahead and avoid complacency. 

If you selected no 2, you need to be thinking of the future so that your company survives – even in a different form – the COVID-19 pandemic.  The survivors are those with the initiative to know they need to re-strategise and pivot for longevity. 

While COVID-19 is the crisis now in 2020, brand transitions have a long history and there are numerous success stories over the years where companies have faced the need to reinvent, to rebuild, and to stay alive. 

Those that pivot will win.  

My experience in dealing with different businesses is that they need strategic PR & Marketing professionals to help articulate their “real world” business proposition as it evolves AND someone experienced to point out the pitfalls of each chosen option. 

TaurusBullseye© has led the way over the past 25 years for some of the largest brand transitions in Australia and other parts of the world. Look on our website at our many case studies. 

A global crisis like the Coronavirus creates change and the upside is, this provides endless new opportunities. To finish with another of those classic Warren Buffett quotes ‘’In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” 

Do not be one of those who says ‘’I wish’’! 


Sharon Williams 

Founder, CEO Taurus Group 

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