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How does personal branding affect professional success?

Establishing a strong personal brand built on a clear strategy is key to gaining professional advantage. Like businesses, it is just as important for working individuals to market themselves to the public. Whether you are looking to pivot in your career and try working within a different industry or a fresh graduate wanting to get a foot in the door, personal branding creates value and opens doors to opportunities that we are not even aware of.

Here are some ways a solid personal brand can impact your career:

1. Strong personal brand attracts opportunities

In the current digital age, it all comes down to who could best connect with customers and deliver content that are of interest. A recent survey by Stackla found that 86% of customers support brands based on their authenticity, however findings suggest only 57% of brands are considered authentic by customers. By actively creating and sharing insightful content, you are differentiating yourself from competitors, building trust and credibility in the industry.

The benefits do not stop there!

Establishing yourself as an expert in your business field also gives you a higher chance of gaining trust amongst clients and potential business partners. Media corporations will also be more receptive to pitches if you are considered an industry leader.

2. Strong personal brands enable you to have better control of your career

“By failing to prepare, you are just preparing to fail”. Those are the famous words of Benjamin Franklin, founding father of the United states. While his words were not spoken in a business context, his ideas certainly help us navigate our way in a workplace setting.

Figuring out how you want to be seen professionally resets your career compass. When have a clear picture of your personal values, such as who you are as an employee/entrepreneur, what issues you solve for organizations, and what your areas of expertise are, you will have better control over the path you take over the span of your career.

3. Strong personal brands increase standards

As you come to understand your value and build credibility within the industry, your standards are likely to improve in every aspect of work you do. Branding builds a growth mindset, meaning that you will no longer be satisfied with average results. Building personal brands challenges us to set more challenging goals, think outside the box and come up with strategies that are more effective. It brings more value to us as a working individual and to everyone in our professional network which ultimately works in our favour in the long run.

If you wish for a strong and fulfilling career, investing the time and effort in personal branding is worth all the effort. Developing a strong personal brand will serve you well in your career and provide assurance through any change and turbulences you may experience.

If you are looking to define your professional identity and build your Personal Brand but not sure where to start, reach out to us at [email protected]

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