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Taurus Client, Narwal has made its debut in Australia with the launch of the Freo X Ultra Robot Vacuum

Taurus is working with Home robotics manufacturer Narwal to launch in Australia debuting with the Freo X Ultra Robot Vacuum. In a Taurus PR© engagement we secured coverage in Appliance Retailer, a tier 1 Target for Narwal.

Narwal Robotics founder and CEO, Junbin Zhang said, “Narwal is dedicated to crafting products that offer exceptional power and minimal maintenance for users. With this commitment in mind, we’ve innovated the Narwal Freo X Ultra to address common pain points in home cleaning. That’s why we’ve introduced features like the certified zero-tangling brush and 8,200PA suction power, alongside an innovative self-contained dust processing solution that takes station self-emptying to the next level. These advancements ensure users are completely freed from the burdens of dealing with hair tangles and dirt.”

The RoboVac has already gained global attention with multiple awards including the Reddot Design Award, Edison Award and iF Design Award among others.

Learn more about Narwal’s Freo X Ultra features read here.

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