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CEO Sharon Williams speaks out on Folau’s Personal Brand

In the whirlwind of Australian sporting personal brand incidents in the past couple of weeks, the Taurus team has definitely been on crisis comms watch. Nearly over the media reaction to the Steve Smith and David Warner cricket cheating scandal, we’ve now been asked to comment on the Instagram post by Wallaby player Israel Folau.

So where does the public image of an individual players personality and beliefs start and stop? And where do they have to meet the requirements of representing a brand and being paid to represent brands in large sponsorship deals? Where do teams and them working towards the bigger picture fit when values, beliefs and behaviours don’t align? The issue of brand trust, over-reaction in the media, the role of Management in Sports marketing, the commercial responsibility of big contracted sponsorship deals and the politically correct atmosphere of our Australian media raises big questions. What do brands stand for? And their employees? And where do sponsorship deals and an individual’s personal brand fit within this? Add into the boiling pot the issue of freedom of speech.
CEO, Sharon was asked to comment on the recent rugby incident, to read her comments and views click here.

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