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Facebook: My Big Brother

Happy Monday, all!

Some end-of-world, big-brother scary news to kick-off the week.

An Australian techie has discovered that Facebook may be tracking every movement of its users even when they are not logged in.

Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has not hit back at this claim, though will undoubtedly say that this is to ensure that users have the best experience using the site as possible by logging users’ behaviour.

I do respect the fact that the more information that the social networking site has about my online activity, the less likely I am to be bombarded with advertisements about arthritis medication, facial treatments and other consumer goods that have nothing to do with me.

On the other hand, I do feel uneasy knowing that there is a database full of my daily goings on somewhere out there and that advertisers are surely licking their lips at their chance to maximise their response rate.

iTunes have had similar public relations problems in the past, its notoriously long terms and conditions make it almost impossible for any user to know truly what personal information Apple do or do not have the right to use at their will.

The public and market alike seem to desperately need a real debate on this issue to once and for all decide – and legislate – where to draw the line between intelligence gathering and invasion of privacy. Otherwise the control over your information could get out of hand sooner than we think.

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