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Events Are Back – How to make sure your corporate event is the most memorable

Who doesn’t love a great party? Does it seem months to you since anyone dressed up for an event? The good news is face to face Events are back and you have the chance to host a great corporate event. For the ones always aiming toward perfection, here is a friendly reminder: preparation is the key to things going exactly to plan! Here are a few rules that will help you create both a well-organised party and a memorable and engaging event.  

Find a purpose for your event and target your audience

Be sure on why you are holding your event – what is your objective? Set up your event for success by thinking in advance what is the outcome you want? It’s purpose? And therefore who is the right audience to attend. Create a runsheet with deadlines, responsibilities and costs. To be meaningful and engaging, you will need to make sure decisions take great care of your guests at every step.  When deciding on the guest list, putting people together is precious and takes thought and time. An insider tip: introduce colleagues that don’t know each other. For creative invitations, using websites such as Greenvelope can help you get your invite across efficiently and in an eco-friendlier manner. 

Choose a theme

Once you have your basic plan, pick a theme or topic for your event that will have a message that aligns with your purpose. If you want to establish your company as a trusted advisor, perhaps even invite an industry expert as a guest speaker.  

“A successful corporate event is an immersive experience into the brand’s identity. Find the time to impress your guests by thinking creatively and expose ideas and experiences that will differentiate your from your competitors”, affirms Taurus CEO Sharon Williams.  

Utilise technology as a competitive advantage  

To keep your guests engaged with the party, there is a range of apps and technology solutions to communicate, inform and create a memorable experience for your guests. Streamline the process of planning through productivity apps, engage with guests offering QR Codes with live polling and Q&A sessions, or create an event App where guests can ask questions, interact with your company and  receive feedback. 

Promote your event

If the event is intimate, direct invitations work well. However, if you are dealing with a larger event, be creative and invite attendees through a myriad of available promotional methods such as newsletters, posters, online advertising, industry lists and directories, partnerships etc. 

At Taurus we understand every detail matters. Taurus Events offers the chance to take an event from bland to brilliant and maximise a brand’s experience. To read more about the Taurus Event experience and the services we offer, click here.  

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