
5 reasons your business should be using a content calendar

A content calendar is a schedule that helps you organise your upcoming social media content by detailing what and when you will post. Having a content calendar system in place also helps your business create content aligned with your social media strategy and overall company objectives. It also helps you plan out relevant content that will engage, excite and convert.

Essentially, it’s the best way to make sure you never find yourself scraping for content last minute.

Here are 5 reasons why your business should be using a content calendar:

  1. Consistency is key

Developing a unified voice for your brand ensures consistency across all marketing efforts and builds your platform as a reliable source in your industry. Your key messages and imagery should be consistent across all social platforms. This will provide your brand with a unique personality, making your platform easier to recognise. Above all else, consistency builds business credibility and reputation.

  1. Allow more time for planning and preparation

Effective development and planning of content is essential for the overall movement, tracking and execution of your social media strategy. Content calendars allow for proper preparation and maximum time for creative thinking, research, and scheduling. Most importantly, it ensures your content aligns with your key messaging and overall social media objectives.

  1. Remember important occasions

Ask yourself what key dates throughout the year are relevant to your business. A content calendar will mitigate the risk of forgetting when content is due. Planning your content at least one month in advance will allow you to plan for key dates and execution strategies. This will maximise your time to plan engaging and cut-through content to stand out from the crowd.

  1. Save time

Time is money. A well-planned and properly executed content calendar can save your business an enormous amount of time. Dedicate a specified period every week to create and schedule content and watch your social media roll out in a consistent and engaging manner. Why waste time scrambling for content when you can schedule and plan ahead? The results will speak for themselves.

A content calendar is an invaluable tool for tracking content, allocating resources, building credibility and staying relevant. This will give you a better perspective of your overall social media strategy and ensures your key messages and imagery are aligned across all marketing activities.

We understand the development of an effective social media strategy can be daunting. TaurusSocial© is an innovative service offered by Taurus, advising you on every aspect of your social media presence, what you should be doing, what works and what to steer clear of. Read more about TaurusSocial© here.

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