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Social impact

“I created Taurus to build people brands and businesses. But I also want to leave a legacy. We are here for a very short time and I am more and more interested in the planet, environment, care of our animals and our vulnerable humans, the young and the elderly. To this end, I am constantly looking for ways we can make a difference. To create change, we come together as a team to work it out together so we all have our hands in the effort.’’
Sharon Williams, Founder and Head of Strategy
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Our causes are focused around

what is our way

What is our why?

Our why is to create positive change in the areas we work in and remain a force for good.

Every year at Taurus, the team choose a passion project to work on that makes a difference. It serves our why and reason for being. We’ve supported getting indigenous children out of remote communities and into housing so they can go to school and realise their dreams of becoming teachers, footballers or Doctors. We have helped educate people on grief and loss and better preparing for end of life. We have helped educate the young on alcohol fuelled violence and its long term implications.

We have spoken out about social media risks and the dangers of posting online for the young in schools and universities. We have educated leaders that empathy is the new brand currency.

Here are some of the brands
we have helped pro bono:

Some of our results

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